Over the past several years, Cuker has made an incredible transformation from our roots as a boutique digital design and branding shop to the full-service global digital marketing agency we are today. While our passion and vision remain the same, the power of our team has grown exponentially.
We’ve added rocket boosters to our award-winning web and mobile experiences, with an integrated digital marketing team specializing in Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Pay-Per-Click (PPC), Social Media, Digital Advertising, Email, Conversion Optimization, and Analytics.
Strategy First Cuker was built on the foundation of results-driven digital business strategy. Our senior business and strategy teams partner with our clients to apply time-tested, proven business approaches to the constantly evolving digital landscape. This successful combination of business strategy, marketing, design, and technology is our key to growing brands in today’s connected consumer landscape.
Every Company Is Becoming A Technology Company Today’s consumer expects a premium technology experience when interacting with a brand or business. Many businesses are innovating, embracing technology, and thriving, and those that don’t will eventually be obsolete. We continue to build award-winning, best-in-industry digital experiences that keep our clients at the top of the game.
Marketing Is Digital Today, 90% of all media is consumed on a screen. The world has changed forever, and we have been at the forefront of this evolution. We are focused on building awareness, driving traffic, delivering sales and leads, and growing businesses by maximizing the digital opportunities across all channels.
The Mobile Era We live in an on-demand world. Consumers want to browse, shop, and consume content when they want, where they want, and on what device they want. From search to shopping experiences, we put brands in the hands of a targeted audience by developing award-winning mobile strategies that motivate consumers to engage.
Passion No teambuilding exercises, seminars, or pep rallies required - our team of creatives, marketers, and technologists thrive on the energy and collaboration in our Agency. We take pride in our work. We love that every day we are approached with new challenges that we take head on, finding the opportunity to drive results for our clients.
We are excited about our new website and portfolio of case studies, and we look forward to sharing our upcoming projects and campaign launches as we continue to innovate and grow.