The Mobile Revolution
An Android taking over Earth? This sounds like a scenario pulled straight from science fiction, but it's not that far from the truth. Smartphone operating systems like Google's Android are poised for explosive growth over the next few years - in fact, research firm Gartner is projecting that mobile phones will bypass PCs to become the most popular devices used to access the Web by 2013.
Gartner warns that most websites, including enterprise-level eCommerce systems, are not evolving fast enough to meet this rapidly growing mobile demand. Sites that aren't optimized for the mobile Web risk alienating owners of handheld devices who will go elsewhere for quick information and online shopping that can be accessed with fewer clicks and faster browsing.
Will 2010 be the year of mobile? If you're not convinced, check out these stats:
- Estimated smartphone user base by 2011: 150M
- Estimated users of mobile web globally by 2011: 120M
- Estimated users watching mobile video by the end of 2011: 90M
- Date that Apple's app store hit one billion application downloads: April 23, 2009
Is your business ready for the mobile revolution?