Make Extraordinary A Way Of Life

Brand Campaign & Digital Marketing

Mishima Reserve x Cuker Agency Case Study

Mishima Reserve partnered with Cuker to leverage digital marketing to increase awareness, engagement, trial, and brand growth.

Mishima Reserve American Wagyu Steaks and ground beef can make every day a celebration. The company’s methodology is rooted in Japanese ranching practices first used to produce an exemplary breed of cattle. Mishima Reserve’s dedication to responsibility results in premium products of the highest quality, tenderness, and flavor.


An Inside Look

The Goal

Mishima Reserve makes extraordinary a way of life. With their products, you get steakhouse quality in the convenience of your own kitchen. Our goal was to bring a premium steakhouse experience to people everywhere – increasing brand awareness, driving engagement, and boosting in-store sales.


Of Targeted Brand Impressions

The Approach

To reach and engage the brand’s steak-loving audience, Cuker created disruptive strategies to help Mishima Reserve stand out in digital channels. Collaborating with Mishima, we launched a 360 digital marketing campaign to drive awareness and revenue growth in geo-targeted regions. Like a taste of the steak itself, we cultivated a one-of-a-kind experience, utilizing beautiful product imagery to display the selectiveness of each flavorful cut.


Increase in Traffic

Campaign Success

Cuker increased Mishima Reserve’s brand exposure with a comprehensive digital marketing strategy and campaign. With the success of the campaign, people become aware and engaged with the “best steak they’ve ever tasted”. Through strategic planning and creative execution, Mishima Reserve reached more prospective customers, increased traffic, and drove sales at key retailers.

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